photon - High-Performance Geocoding using 'photon'
Features unstructured, structured and reverse geocoding using the 'photon' geocoding API <>. Facilitates the setup of local 'photon' instances to enable offline geocoding.
Last updated 14 days ago
5.40 score 2 stars 18 scripts 607 downloads
r311 - Interface to the 'open311' Standard
Access and handle APIs that use the international 'open311' 'GeoReport v2' standard for civic issue tracking <>. Retrieve civic service types and request data. Select and add available 'open311' endpoints and jurisdictions. Implicitly supports custom queries and 'open311' extensions. Requires a minimal number of hard dependencies while still allowing the integration in common R formats ('xml2', 'tibble', 'sf').
Last updated 8 days ago
5.18 score 3 stars 162 downloads